Friday, May 28, 2010

Grandma Shot For Being A Radical Idiot

Here is a story from my neck of the woods.

This is about an hour's drive from where I live.

Some people are calling this a tragedy or police abuse... I'm calling it fucking retarded.

1) You do not pull a gun on a census worker. That is some fucked up psycho shit. They are doing a job. If you hate the census that much, refuse to answer them.

2) You do NOT pull a gun on a cop. If you do, you better be prepared to (A) die or (B) go to jail for the rest of your life. Because chances are that one of those things is going to happen.

This is what happens when fascist radicals like Glenn Beck make people afraid of something as harmless as a census form.

The census is written into the constitution of this country. It is the foundation of our democracy. In order to represent the citizens, we have to know who they are. That is what the census is for.

But these assholes clearly thought that it was part of some socialist Obama conspiracy.

I hope this is the only time in my life when I don't have sympathy for a grandma being shot by the cops.

She pulled a gun. Never pull a gun on a person unless you are prepared to use it and/or die... especially when you pull it on other people with guns... and ESPECIALLY when those people have the law behind them.

Jesus Christ.