Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MJ: A Conclusion of Sorts

I have taken to perusing the news daily on the marijuana situation because not only has my own research made me more passionate about legalization, but I feel that a change is coming. As other articles have pointed out, it's getting harder and harder for the usual anti-marijuana activists to spread their propaganda when half of the population has tried it and they have access to all of the scientific studies through the internet. At the same time, I don't want this blog to degenerate into a bulletin board for every article I like or it will just become a stoner blog thereby undercutting the broader social message. So let me just ask one thing:

Why doesn't all of this talk about marijuana legalization and the stimulus to the economy not include hemp? I would assume that if marijuana was legalized, it's non-intoxicating cousin would be legalized as well, but not one single article I've read considers the effect of hemp on our economy which could be far more profitable than a marijuana tax.

Just food for thought.

Although I will doubtlessly come back to the issue of marijuana legalization in the future, I think there are enough marijuana advocacy sites out there.

Coming up: Anti-depressants and attention deficit drugs, a functional perspective on economics, and solving homelessness

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